
Release 2.0

189 views April 12, 2017 April 19, 2017 admin 1

Krosswall Release 2.0

It gives us immense pleasure to give Krosswall release 2.0 to our users.

We are grateful to all users, constantly giving their feedbacks and making Krosswall align to practical usage of Agile and Project Management.

Few rich features that have been introduced during 1.0 to 2.0 release are summarized as below:

Device Friendly:

Now Krosswall can be accessible from any device including desktop/laptop/tabs/mobile. Just Login to Krosswall and use the application in the most user-friendly way on any device.


We have got multiple feedback on navigation, and now we have most optimized navigation. For existing users, please  Check here to understand more.

Kanban Projects:

Most important feature of Release2.0.  Kanban projects are different than Scrum project. Not every project is fit for Scrum. Something which cannot be executed in batches and need continuous work/integration can be tracked as Kanban Project.  Entire Kanban Project Cycle has been Managed and Tracked now. At Project Start, define if the project is Kanban/Scrum type. Read More…

Test Case Management:

Krosswall’s objective to handle end-to-end quality management. Issue Tracking is already there, Now Test Case Management has been introduced. Define Test-cases within the system, Connect them to Stories /Tasks. Also, tag for different test cycles, and have more effective quality management. Read More…

Permission based tracking:

Now project owners can decide if they want to enable tracking on project or not. For each project, define this while creating a new project or from project settings. Read More…

Email Notifications

As and when there are some update email notifications will trigger to owners. Read More…

Change Management in Sprint:

Now, Sprint charts shows clear visibility about new backlogs added/removed after sprint has been started. This gives clear vision about how sprint is doing and for the team to understand the deviation and take corrective actions in future planning. Read More…

Definition of Done:

Define your definition of done for any story/task. This will improve your team’s focus on silent features. You can manage Definition of Done at various levels like Company / Project / Team / Story / Task / Personal. Read More overall about DoD & Krosswall DoD

Dynamic Fields:

Every project has a special need to collect some extra information. 2.0 introduces “Dynamic Field management”. Now, Story /Task / Issue all can have dynamic fields and can be setup from Project Settings. Read More…

Bulk Update:

Enhanced Story/Task bulk update. Read More…

More meaningful Tracking Wall:

Tracking wall have now more information about %Complete, Issues attached, and Tasks planned for the day. Read More…

Easy Help:

Now every page will have Help. Just click on help icon on the top menu, and page related help will be populated. Navigate with help and get to know more about the page & it functions. Read More…

An innovative way to conduct Retrospective/Feedbacks:

Continuous improvement is key to success. Conduct Retrospective/Feedbacks in the most innovative way. Use Krosswall Mobile Application to participate in retrospective.  Collect anonymous feedbacks, Analyze and Improve. Read More…

Multi-Team Support:

Now, You can define multiple teams within projects, and divide project backlogs to teams. See all analytics based on the team. Read More…

Split Story:

At times it is not possible to take the entire story in Sprint, in such situations avail Split Story, and take a portion in the current sprint. Read More…

Import Story/Task:

Import stories from CSV. Read More…

Tag Story/Task:

Now you can tag stories and tasks and categorized in depth. Also, filters are based on the tag. Read More…

Import from Trello:

If you have some projects in Trello, now you can import in one click to Krosswall. Read More…

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